Friday, February 24, 2012

Although most of the disabling effects ...

Osteoporosis is a disease of bone, which affects men and women, especially after menopause, because estrogen helps protect bones. In osteoporosis, bones become fragile and weak, and have a higher risk of fractures. The word means porous bones osteoporosis, where porous basically means holes - and describes the state of osteoporosis bones. Making the right type, called

helps keep bones, causing severe muscle and tendon to pull on the bones, which, in turn, stimulates stem cells to produce more bone. The load on the bone can be created own body weight, as in running or jogging, or external weights as dumbbells or

in strength training program. In fact, studies show that exercise may be better not only supporting, but also "high impact" exercise. This means providing impetus to the muscles and bones are the same as when placing a foot on the ground force during running or lifting or pushing weight suddenly. Naturally, you should make sure that you do this exercise safely. One indicator of bone health bone mineral density and BMD for short. Bone Scan for assessing BMD is a relatively simple procedure proposed by doctors. Despite strong bones can help prevent fractures in the fall, the best way to protect against falling cracks to be involved in the first place! Balance and strength are the keys to the fall protection. Appropriate exercise with age - such as weight training - not only helps maintain healthy bone, prevents falls and fractures, and improve balance lasix 6 mg and strength. All exercise benefits your overall fitness. Weight bearing exercises are best for strengthening bones. Here are some examples. Aerobics class - step dancing and aerobics pump

Weightlifting - dumbbells, barbells, machines, body weight exercises

Playing sports with the course and - basketball, football, baseball, softball, volleyball

Keep in mind that performance or leg based exercises operates mainly in the lower body. Although most of the disabling effect of bone loss is felt in the hips and spine, performing upper body with weight-bearing exercise are equally important. Scattered wrists and hands from falling as we age is not uncommon. Consider it a warning of endurance activities such as marathon, cross country and triathlon, and other extreme circuit of exercises:

Extreme exercise, mostly aerobic exercise can negatively affect bone density in women getting involved in the production of estrogen combined with inadequate calcium intake and total energy food. (The natural decline in estrogen is the main cause of bone loss in women after menopause). For serious exercisers and athletes, suspension, or

irregular periods is a warning sign. Loss of bone mass, eating disorders and abnormal periods called female athlete triad. This should not occur if the relevant training programs and careful attention to diet and nutrition are included in your schedule. Consultation with a qualified dietitian sports worthwhile. Most of the stocks of healthy bones built in adolescence and the age of 30 years. Women may be more susceptible to lack of foundation of the process at this time than men. Adequate calcium intake, balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables that are exercise are the keys to solid bone growth when you young. Then, at a constant exercise in old age - and this applies to men as well - decrease of bone density can be reduced to a minimum. Although women are the focus of information about osteoporosis and low bone density (osteopenia), some men also suffer the condition. Even if you do it right while growing up and into adulthood, your inherited characteristics - your genes - can give you the bones that are prone to osteoporosis. This is even more reason to maximize your lifestyle to prevent ill health of bones. How much calcium and vitamin D you need? Calcium. The recommended calcium intake for adult men and women from 19 to 50 years is 1000 mg per day, with higher amounts recommended for younger and older age groups and during pregnancy. Full list of recommended consumption can be obtained from the National Institutes of Health publication calcium, in addition to more valuable information on calcium in foods and how to satisfy your requirements. Athletes or heavy exercisers usually do not need more calcium than recommended in the manual, or more sedentary people. Exercise and adequate calcium intake is to improve the quality of bone. Careful attention is recommended calcium intake is all you need. Vitamin D. This vitamin works in conjunction with calcium to build bones. The recommended intake of vitamin D in the range from 200 to 600 international units every day from childhood to old age. Some experts say that is the recommended intake is too low. As a result, vitamin D standard is under consideration. Vitamin D Fact sheet contains more detailed information. Particular attention should be in areas where sunlight is minimal or ethnic cultures, where the full body clothing worn, thus limiting sunlight, a major source of vitamin D. Vitamin K found in green vegetables, it is also an important vitamin for bone development. .

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