Friday, February 24, 2012

Also shows that most people, including ...

This is clinically assumed that osteoporosis occurs when fluctuations in bone mineral density from normal to low. According to estimates, any deviation from the standard maximum 2. 5, can be dangerous and may reduce protein content in the structure. The condition can be divided into primary type, primary and secondary type 2. The first category is the impact on women who had their menopause and the main type 2affects elderly people, mainly older people 70. This is regardless of gender differences. Secondary conditions can affect people of any gender and age. One important reason to believe from this disease is the lack of sufficient calcium in the body, as it played a key role in the development and strengthening of bones is vital. A low level of calcium can make bones fragile and weak to the soul. Another reason mentioned is the lack of availability of certain hormones, like estrogen in women. In men, this fluctuation levels of androgens, which can lead to disease. Changes in the endocrine glands, low vitamin D intake, lack of exercise and weight etc. also can lead to osteoporosis. Thyroid cancer, hereditary disorders, bone cancer, low muscle use, etc. There are some important reasons given by experts. Risk factors are more people, especially women who are very thin or many years. Excess smoke may be harmful in this context. Vulnerability is also great for people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. Condition of osteoporosis are not always in the presence of any dominant or very distinct symptoms. There are cases where even indications remain hidden for many years, leaving little chance of suspicion. However, the chances of suspicions arise only after the occurrence of any fracture without good reason, as a fall from a height or random sheets. Once it starts repeating instance, reason enough for a consultation with a physician. In many cases it is clear that repeated fractures lasix 80 mg may leave the patient with severe back pain. Gradually, the body starts bending, and also shows decrease in height. Another signal is a stress fracture that occurs during walking or steps. Also shows that most people, especially old age does not remember previous cases. Treatment and Medication for Osteoporosis

There are different categories of drugs to treat osteoporosis. Hormones and calcium treatment that are in the forefront. Hormone therapy in women include estrogen therapy. This may prevent the progression of the disease. Medication can be taken orally or can be used on the skin as pastes or gels. However, there should be strict control on this with your doctor because there are chances of getting exposed to some side effects. Never go without a replacement doctor. For those who are not comfortable with estrogen therapy is another option, and that selective modulators of estrogen receptor (SERM) alternatives. There is no risk of hormone replacement and its influence helps in controlling cholesterol. Another example is the use of bisphosphonates. This drug helps reduce violations of bone and increases bone mineral density. One factor that should take care in this context, sit or stand straight for a while about a half hour to reduce heartburn during ingestion. In addition, many doctors offer drugs to patients to look for your diet. Visiting well as osteoporosis diet tactics to include more foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, which can strengthen bones and prevent its rupture. Re sure to include fruits, green vegetables, legumes, herbs and other objects in food. Taking some elements fist calcium-rich bones of the skeleton can also add to preventive care. Eat dairy products low in fat. Preparation and follow the diet of osteoporosis by a doctor or dietitian. Resorting exercises can also be a big advantage. .

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